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Posts Tagged ‘Hodir

Yogg Saron downed in both 25 and 10 man Ulduar

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The guild Legacy has downed Yogg Saron for a world 3rd kill.  What’s difference about this is that they’ve made the world 1st video of it.  Click this for the link over to warcraftmovies.com

The 10 man version of yogg saron is also dead.  Looks like it only took a few days to complete all of the “easy mode” bosses, and there are some guilds already working on the hard modes.  Hodir and Freya have been downed on their hard modes, no doubt someone is trying to kill Algalon before the first raid reset.  Good luck to them!

And to everyone else, good luck to you in Ulduar.  Sadly, I haven’t been able to log on since the patch came out, but I think this weekend will see my priest getting a few more levels.

If you’re in the northeast US, enjoy the weather today!

~Nick Fox

Will Ulduar have a more “offical” preview?

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Anyone who played from the begining of The Burning Crusade should remember the awesome video previews of Black Temple, Zul’Aman, and Sunwell.  They told a story and really got into some of the lore of the respective raid instance.  I am kind of ‘meh’ on the video preview we have gotten for Ulduar so far.  The music is pretty epic, and I’m hoping that is one of the new music files added for the raid instance, but I want more story.  How about Norganonn (sp) telling the story of the Titans locking up Ulduar to contain the ancient evil creeping up from the ground.  Or Thorim talking about how much revenge he needs to wreck upon those who corrupted his brother Loken.  Give us some more story Blizzard…we know Ulduar looks awesome, and sounds awesome…but don’t make us tell the story ourselves.  I want to know why I have to subdue Hodir* and the other temple guardians of Storm Peaks and why we have to go kill Yogg-Saron.  I mean, maybe being mind-controlled by him forever has its benefits?  I NEED YOU TO TELL ME IT DOESNT BLIZZARD!

Here’s to hoping for another, more substantial video preview…


* I say subdue for a reason…Hodir has been up on the PTR from last night and he actually warps away in the end…maybe to help in a future fight?

Written by Nick

February 28, 2009 at 1:33 am

Ulduar Video Preview

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~Nick Fox

Written by Nick

February 26, 2009 at 4:08 am

Ulduar Offical Preview Now Available

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So the new raid, Ulduar, will be coming to the PTR soon.  This is pretty exciting, both as a level 80 and as a lore geek.  Today we got the offical blizzard preview (found here) and a mention of what we will see on the PTR soon.

Ulduar HallwayWhen Ulduar hits the PTR, we will see 4 of 14 bosses: Freya, Thorim, Hodir, and the Iron Council.  THAT’S AWESOME!  I’m sure most people who quested through Storm Peaks assumed we would see Thorim (and his sick mount) somewhere in Ulduar.  Freya and Hodir were also speculated since alliance got a lore heavy quest explaining the story behind all of the temples in Storm Peaks.  Along these lines, we should also see Mimir, the guardian of the Temple of Invention and others.  See WoWInsider’s speculatory post made today (2/17/09) for more information reguarding this.

Ulduar FreyaThere will also be a vehicle gauntlet event in the very begining of the zone, before you even get to Ulduar proper.  There is a mixed reaction to this in the community.  I am not too happy about it myself.  I’m tired of vehicles being used so much in PvE situations.  They are fun in quests (sometimes…see the storm giant mess in Zul’Drak) and in PvP, but I don’t want to have to deal with new, boiled down mechanics that ALWAYS work better with a mouse.  Sorry kids, I don’t play with a mouse (trackpad ftw) and don’t like looking like an idiot when I can’t aim a gun on a car or something.  </rant>  The gauntlet will end with the first boss, the Flame Leviathan.  After beating him, you will be able to enter Ulduar proper and begin to plunder its depths.

I’m excited for this new raid, even though I won’t be able to see it for myself when it is first released.  I think I may start pugging 25 man Naxx runs when I see them in Dalaran to try and gear up for Ulduar in my spare time.  I will leave you with one final picture and the flavorful text Blizzard gave us regarding Ulduar:

Ulduar GolemFor countless millennia, Ulduar has remained undisturbed by mortals, far away from their concerns and their struggles. But since its recent discovery, many have wondered what the structure’s original purpose may have been. Some thought it a city, built to herald the glory of its makers; some thought it a vault containing innumerable treasures, perhaps even relics of the mighty Titans themselves. They were wrong. Beyond its gates lies no city, no treasure vault, no final answer to the Titan’s mysteries. All that awaits those who dare set foot in Ulduar is a horror even the Titans could not, would not destroy, an evil they merely… contained.

Beneath ancient Ulduar, the Old God of death lies, whispering…. Tread carefully, or his prison will become your tomb.


Written by Nick

February 17, 2009 at 9:29 pm