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Posts Tagged ‘Holiday

Dragonfest 2009

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picture-3Tonight was a night no different than others.  Except, instead of sitting around in Dalaran staring at a mailbox, we spent it with other dragon lovers on the ledge of Krasus’ Landing.

We also had a hard time finding a group for an instance tonight…I am 5 more coins awa from getting the title “the Elder” so I really need to get that done soon.  The valentines day holiday is less than a week long, so this needs to get finished and then those achievements done before the holiday ends.  Aye yie yie (is that how it’s spelt?)

I hope your holiday achievements are going smoothly!  Be sure to check the in game calendar for when holidays end and start, that way you can get your achievements done and not get surprised when the holiday ends.  It sure has helped me!

Also, me and Mariana are back at school, along with most people in our guild on Burning Blade, which means raiding has slowed down a lot.  This is our last semester of undergraduate college, so wish us luck!!  Also, our guild <MAN THE HARPOONS> is setting up an Obsidian Sanctium run for tomorrow (Thursday) night for some quick lewts and some good guild times.

Hope the rest of your week is gushing with Lunar Festival awesome-ness!


Written by Nick

February 5, 2009 at 4:39 am

Hallows End, Black Temple, etc.

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The Hallows End holiday started this week, which means a bunch of new achievements and fun!

Pumpkin heads!  My warrior, Bouba, was also able to get the helm from the headless horseman, which I has slacked on getting last year.

Also, since the patch nerf on bosses and the buff on everyone with the new talents, our guild went into Black Temple for the first time and was able to down the first 4 bosses.  Exciting!  I know some very hardcore players may be frowning on Blizzard’s decision to do this, but I think it’s great – they spend so much time creating content and it makes sense to let as many players see it as possible.  We were going to go in yesterday and try more bosses, but Eonar has been having problems related to their instance servers – every instance (including ones in Azeroth) was down and sometimes people would get their characters sent into “limbo” when they tried to zone in.

I also changed up how Arco (my hunter) looks at the barber shop!

I like her new hair, but she does look a lot less hardcore without that tusk helm showing, haha.

Written by Mariana

October 19, 2008 at 6:14 pm