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Posts Tagged ‘Loremaster

And now… the Loremaster must rest.

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Finally, after some minor irritations with the phasing of quests in Icecrown that keeps nice guildies from helping me do 5 player group quests.  Wee!

I also became a blonde in game since becoming Loremaster Eau.  Haha.

Written by Mariana

May 12, 2009 at 4:09 am

Quick Update

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Quick because it’s late and I’m sleepy!

1. I got the Loremaster of Kalimdor achievement.  It was the pits, I did more than half of both the AQ and tier .5 quest lines.  Ouch!  I envy the people on wowhead who say that they did this and had quests to spare (and have really no idea how that is even possible).

2. I’m working on the Outland loremaster-related achievements now and they are much easier.  I only have Shadowmoon Valley left.  🙂

3. Mini rant: don’t ask me to link my professions then ask me if I have certain recipes.  Especially if you don’t know what something is called.  Websites related to wow exist so you can look this stuff up.  And even if you don’t want to look it up online, take the time to scroll through my profession that look for yourself.  That’s not my job, it’s yours!

4. Mage is still fun, I’m still frostfire specced.  We joined a new guild called War Council and they’re all nice.  I’ve been running Naxx and pulling about 2.5k dps in general and between 3-3.5k on bosses.  Woohoo!  Not many gear upgrades out there for me anymore, I guess I’ll just have to wait for Blizzard to add more raiding content.

Written by Mariana

April 10, 2009 at 7:37 am

Loremaster of Eastern Kingdoms

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Finally! This wasn’t horrible, but I did have to run Stratholme and Scholomance around 5 times each, just because of those typical vanilla WoW quests of “Oh, you killed that first guy?  Now go kill the next guy!”. I can run around most of the mobs, but I do have two major complaints:

1. In Stratholme there are those stupid mobs that give you a debuff called “Cadaver Worms”. This debuff is officially the new bane of my WoW existence. It’s 10 minutes long and it prevents 100% of health regeneration and ticks for 500ish damage every 30ish seconds. It doesn’t matter what you do: eating doesn’t work, potions don’t work, you’re not regening any health. Since I was soloing this on my mage, I basically just had to keep mana shield up the entire time to account for the damage and hope that I didn’t die in the end (I think I made it with 124 health at the end of one of the runs).

2. In Scholomance, there are these skeletons that are immune to all magic except for holy – Thanks Blizz! Needless to say there was a lot of mana shielding, mana gemming, and getting my sword skill from like 3 to 350. I also found out that my mirror images *magically* have maxed mellee skill! The only downside to using them is that they just decide to aggro things across the room that I could skip. This also led to multiple quasi-deaths. I know mage is meant to be squishy, but damn! I know holy paladins at 70 who were soloing these instances no problem!

Anyway, those two annoyances aside, it was actually cool to do all of the long lore-heavy quest lines in these instances (but, to be honest, I’m a little iffy on reading quests… I always just kind of know what’s going on and Nick always gets mad at me for it!). To anyone who is thinking of doing the Loremaster achievement and is having trouble with Eastern Kingdoms – the quest lines in these two instances add up to somewhere between 30-40 quests total. Also, don’t forget that the first turn ins at Light’s Hope count toward the achievement! You’ll get lots of those items running the instances.

Now the real pain begins:

Written by Mariana

March 18, 2009 at 9:01 pm

Weapon Enchants, Ganking, Loremaster Achievement

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I recently decided that I would try to get the loremaster achievement on Eau.  I have also continued leveling my rogue (Zaleria) and possibly a new shaman (Raio).  I am totally methodical when it comes to multiple things to do on WoW (actually I am super methodical about a lot of things in real life too).  So here is what I have been doing: every day that I can play, I burn off the rest XP on Zaleria, then Raio, then work on Loremaster for Eau.

I decided to start with Eastern Kingdoms.  I have been working from top to bottom and left to right, working on one zone at a time.  I am currently only at Searing Gorge and already 450/550 quests for the Loremaster of Eastern Kingdoms achievement, so it doesn’t seem like it’ll be too hard to finish this up.  Questing in all these low level zones has brought up a question for me – to gank or not to gank?  When I first transfered to a pvp server, I was mildly against the practice of ganking just for the sake of ganking.  I have to say that the multiple gankings I have been a victim of while leveling my rogue in Starnglethorn Vale has started to shift my understanding of the matter.  Though I am still against the idea of “I am bored so I am going to sit in Wetlands and look for lowbie alliance to gank,” I have started to be more okay with the idea of “I’m in the zone and this lowbie just ran by, how hard would it be to just throw one frostfire bolt at them?”

I have found a happy medium, which is flexible dependent on how irritated I am from ganking on my rogue on any particular day (I can’t deny that after being ganked a few times by a gnome mage on Zaleria, I have parked Eau in Stranglethorn Vale to attempt to corpse camp him, but he was nowhere to be found… stupid little things).  Anyway, my happy medium consists of emoting at alliance.  If they have a sense of humor and dance/emote with me, I don’t do anything.  If they try to run, I either chain sheep them or kill them.  That makes me sound mean huh?  Well…  worse things have happened with my rogue, haha.

I also have noticed that something weird is happening with my rogue.  Because I am doing Loremaster on Eau, I have a lot of lowbie greens/blues, which I can disenchant into random mats.  I have been making whatever enchants I can to help level on my rogue and mailing them over using a weapon vellum.  It just so happens that one of the enchants I put on her weapons (+4 to damage I think) has a blue glow.  I swear that ever since I have had this enchant, I have been attracting so much more pvp/ganking!  I’m not sure why this is happening, but I think it might be that I’m more visible because of the glow or maybe a low level with enchants looks like they like pvp or they are twinked?  I’m not sure, but it’s really irritating!  I am not a huge pvper, I am just on Burning Blade because I want to play with my real life friends!

Also, because Nick says I don’t have enough pictures in my posts:

Isn’t she looking cute these days?

Written by Mariana

February 17, 2009 at 5:07 pm