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Posts Tagged ‘Mounts

Random Mount Macro

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Just thought I would throw this short post in, since people have been asking me what I do with my 50+ mounts on Eau.  I have two macros: one for walking (epic speed ground mounts) and one for flying (epic speed flying mounts).  Here is the macro:

/run if (not IsMounted()) then local t={2,6,19,20,21,23,29,33,34,35,36,38,39,40,41,44} CallCompanion(“MOUNT”, t[random(#t)]) else DismissCompanion(“MOUNT”) end

The one above is for walking, but it’ll work the same way for flying – just make a different macro and use different numbers.  In order to make this work for you, you need to change out the numbers I’ve bolded above into the slot numbers of the mounts that you want the game to consider.  Example: if when you click shift-P, you see that your first row of mounts is: Albino Drake (epic flying), Armored Brown Bear (epic ground), Azure Netherwing Drake (epic flying), Black Hawkstrider (slow ground), Black Skeletal Horse (slow ground), and Black War Mammoth (epic ground): for the walking macro you would choose 2, 6; for the flying macro you would choose 1, 3.

Edit: “If anyone copies and pastes this macro, they need to be sure to replace the quotes in it with regular ASCII quotes off the keyboard [ ” ]. The text above appears to have been automatically formatted by the blogging software to show unicoded double closing quotes [ ” ], which will throw an error in WoW.” Thank you Rodentia for bringing this up!

Written by Mariana

August 14, 2009 at 5:50 pm

Dragonfest 2009

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picture-3Tonight was a night no different than others.  Except, instead of sitting around in Dalaran staring at a mailbox, we spent it with other dragon lovers on the ledge of Krasus’ Landing.

We also had a hard time finding a group for an instance tonight…I am 5 more coins awa from getting the title “the Elder” so I really need to get that done soon.  The valentines day holiday is less than a week long, so this needs to get finished and then those achievements done before the holiday ends.  Aye yie yie (is that how it’s spelt?)

I hope your holiday achievements are going smoothly!  Be sure to check the in game calendar for when holidays end and start, that way you can get your achievements done and not get surprised when the holiday ends.  It sure has helped me!

Also, me and Mariana are back at school, along with most people in our guild on Burning Blade, which means raiding has slowed down a lot.  This is our last semester of undergraduate college, so wish us luck!!  Also, our guild <MAN THE HARPOONS> is setting up an Obsidian Sanctium run for tomorrow (Thursday) night for some quick lewts and some good guild times.

Hope the rest of your week is gushing with Lunar Festival awesome-ness!


Written by Nick

February 5, 2009 at 4:39 am