/Yawn – A World of Warcraft Blog

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Lorefail, Vistafail and Game Fuel(win?)

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So the summer has been in full swing and the blog posts have become few and far between.  Sorry!  Since the last post, I have gotten a new Windows PC (Vista [grumble], 8gig RAM, GeForce 9800 GTX x2 SLI’ed, intel quad core) and settled into my new apartment here in Tucson, AZ.  Things have been good in WoW as well…my Orc Shaman is now level 73 and going on strong to 74 tonight.

What this post really is about, however, is the lack of thought that goes into our game.  Take this as a prime example:  As I was questing in south-central Dragonblight, I noticed a strange thing…a big, battered, mostly destroyed Titan bridge.  It is the very southern tip of the Path of the Titans.  So why is this so strange?  I mean, it looks cool and all, but here is the problem:  The titans built all their shit over 10,000 years ago, before The Sundering, when the world had one big Pangea-like land mass.  At the end of the War of the Ancients, the Well of Eternity exploded and destroyed most of the central land mass of Azeroth.  What was left was 3 main land masses – Eastern Kingdoms, Kalimdor, and Northrend, with various other islands dotted about.

So…why is there a titan bridge extending south when, at the time the titans built their road, there was a land mass there and no need for a bridge?  Now okay, I can write it off as “I guess there was a big lake or something that was the very northern edge of The Sundering’s damage, and so, since there was a big lake, the titans built a bridge over it”….  C’mon Blizzard…you should think of your timelines when creating this stuff!  Surely someone had to have known about this in the creation of this titan bridge!

I had two screenshots all set up for this small development annoyance, but when I went to go find them, the SS’s were nowhere to be found.  After searching the internet for a few moments, I came to the answer.  Apparently, Windows Vista needs you to right click the WoW icon, and ‘run as administrator’ in order to take and save screenshots.  What the heck is that?  Are the screenshots going to implant the Conflicker virus into my system and eventually blow up my motherboard?  -=sigh=-  Windows Vista, you never cease to amaze me.

However, all of this can be overlooked due to the blinding red aura that has been seeping out of my fridge the past few hours.  Aganist all better judgement, I went and bought my first MTN DEW GAME FUEL today.  For the Horde flavor, as I bet you would suspect.  Here is a picture of its intoxicating presence:

Game FuelI haven’t tried it yet, but if its unnatural color is any indication of its flavor, I suspect I am in for the time of my life!

That is all for now, go out and enjoy your lore!

Written by Nick

July 20, 2009 at 3:45 am

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  1. Vista/Microsoft now considers the “Program Files” directory to be protected space, so it will not allow things to write to it including screenshots and mod settings for WoW), and in fact will create virtual directories under your “Users” directory (specifically C:\Users\\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Screenshots ).

    Easy solution to fix this?! Since WoW is a properly written app, everything within its directory is self contained. Simply move the World of Warcraft folder to a location somwhere else other than “Program Files”; in fact from what I recall when installed WotLK WoW sugegsted I install/move everything to the location of “c:\users\public\games”. This should resolve your screenshot problem, as well as correct any mod settings problems that crop up.

    Reverend Zor

    July 21, 2009 at 12:18 am

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