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Posts Tagged ‘Stratholme

Loremaster of Eastern Kingdoms

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Finally! This wasn’t horrible, but I did have to run Stratholme and Scholomance around 5 times each, just because of those typical vanilla WoW quests of “Oh, you killed that first guy?  Now go kill the next guy!”. I can run around most of the mobs, but I do have two major complaints:

1. In Stratholme there are those stupid mobs that give you a debuff called “Cadaver Worms”. This debuff is officially the new bane of my WoW existence. It’s 10 minutes long and it prevents 100% of health regeneration and ticks for 500ish damage every 30ish seconds. It doesn’t matter what you do: eating doesn’t work, potions don’t work, you’re not regening any health. Since I was soloing this on my mage, I basically just had to keep mana shield up the entire time to account for the damage and hope that I didn’t die in the end (I think I made it with 124 health at the end of one of the runs).

2. In Scholomance, there are these skeletons that are immune to all magic except for holy – Thanks Blizz! Needless to say there was a lot of mana shielding, mana gemming, and getting my sword skill from like 3 to 350. I also found out that my mirror images *magically* have maxed mellee skill! The only downside to using them is that they just decide to aggro things across the room that I could skip. This also led to multiple quasi-deaths. I know mage is meant to be squishy, but damn! I know holy paladins at 70 who were soloing these instances no problem!

Anyway, those two annoyances aside, it was actually cool to do all of the long lore-heavy quest lines in these instances (but, to be honest, I’m a little iffy on reading quests… I always just kind of know what’s going on and Nick always gets mad at me for it!). To anyone who is thinking of doing the Loremaster achievement and is having trouble with Eastern Kingdoms – the quest lines in these two instances add up to somewhere between 30-40 quests total. Also, don’t forget that the first turn ins at Light’s Hope count toward the achievement! You’ll get lots of those items running the instances.

Now the real pain begins:

Written by Mariana

March 18, 2009 at 9:01 pm

Brr! It’s Cold In Here…

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There must be some Death Knight in the atmosphere! oh ee oh ee oh ee…ice ice ice…..

I’ve been waiting to put that down in words for awhile now. Anyway, guess what!
My death knight hit level 80 over the weekend, which means it is now time to rake in the gold and seriously start saving up for that Traveler’s Tundra Mammoth. Must….Have….Personal….Vendors!

Level 80 is nice so far. I dinged in Sholazar Basin, which means I have Storm Peaks, Icecrown and Howling Fjord quests still to do before I can get Loremaster of Northrend. It’ll also bank a fair amount of gold as well.

Today I ran three level 80 instances with some people who used to be in Lux or were on an alt in a different guild. The guild is called Fists of Might and I was invited onto their Ventrillo server for the runs. First we did Culling of Stratholme, then Utguarde Pinnicle, and finally we did the Oculus. They were all pretty good. I didn’t die once, and made out with some nice gold from the quests in each instance. I really like the idea of quest givers for the instance being inside the instance so you have to pick them up before you get going with the killing. Both Culling of Stratholme and Utguarde Pinnicle have quest givers like this.

Also, on a more social stance…I must say the amount of southerns who play on our server is pretty amazing. Now, I don’t know if this branches out to other US servers as well, but damn, the accents I heard over that Ventrillo server were enough to make me never want to look at the bottom half of a US map again! …ill keep my cold winters and good tasting pizza thank you very much…

Other than that, not much is happening. Still iffy about the Lux et Veritas raiding situation, we’ll see what happens with that soon I’m sure.

That’s all folks,
Nick Fox

Written by Nick

December 31, 2008 at 1:52 am